Monday, July 26, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Mossy the Cat Who Needs a Home

From Diane:
Good evening Esther,
Please pray for Mossy, a black cat with mossy green eyes to find a new, stable, forever, home, with cat people who will really appreciate his loving nature. He lives in Ireland and it would be nice if he stayed in the country or even on the track where he now lives. He was rescued from almost being run over and hungry in Dublin. His now owner is unable to keep him, and is heartbroken as we believe a pet is a forever commitment, as a child is. We can't bear the thought of him going to a shelter or from place to place. Mossy is a real little Angel and has already in his short life brought joy and lessons in life learned to the people he has touched. Thanks be to God for our helping, teaching animals. Thank you...
Please keep Mossy and all our pets in need of good homes in your prayers. We especially invoke the intercession of St. Joseph to find Mossy a good home as soon as possible, if it be God's Will.

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