Monday, July 26, 2010

Prayer Request for Ike the Cat

From Amy:
Please pray for our missing cat Ike. Ike and his brother Mike were abandoned when they were born and were found my a lady when they were a couple weeks old. They were skin and bones and she took them home and had to bottle feed them because they were so small. We adopted them from her when they were about 8 weeks old in December 2009. They have been with us for 8 months and on 07/19/10, Ike accidentally got locked out of the house. We have put flyers in all of are neighborhood mailboxes, we put food out on our porch and on the deck in the back yard. Ike's brother Mike is constantly meowing for him, my son is upset because he is the one that actually locked Ike out. Please pray that Ike finds his way home and back to his brother Mike and our family.

Please keep Ike and all our missing pets in your prayers. Please St. Anthony, find and bring them home safe and sound. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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