Monday, July 26, 2010

Prayer Request for YuYu the Cat

From Cheri:
I came upon your blog while looking for more prayers to St. Francis and St. Anthony.
I would appreciate being added to your prayer request.

My beloved cat, Yussef (YuYu) went missing on Tuesday, July 20, 2010.
I have prayed each and every day to St. Anthony, St. Francis and Lord.
I pray that he returns back to our home safely. His sister, Sydney misses him too.
We miss him so much and pray for his safe return home.

Thank you,
Please keep YuYu and all our missing pets in your prayers. We ask for the intercession of St. Anthony, to find YuYu and all our missing pets and reunite them with the owners, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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