Monday, November 2, 2009


From Sarah:
I came across your blog and saw that you take prayer requests......Ella is my 15 month old Maltipoo. She's had a clean bill of health, had all of her shots, and is the most adorable thing you've ever seen. All she wants to do is be held and loved and veryone falls in love with her the moment the meet her. Yesterday, out of the blue, she started having seizures. I rushed her to her emergency vet hospital and the Dr's told me that they believe she has distemper (although she did receive the vaccine for it). The vet wanted to keep her in the hospital for the weekend to run tests and for observation, but unfortunately it would cost $2000, and I just couldn't afford that. So instead they ran what tests I could afford and gave her IV's to make her comfortable and called in a prescription to help stop the seizures. He told me I may only have 48 hours left with her. We've made it through one night and she hasn't had a seizure in about 10 hours, but the medicine keeps her so doped up, it's heartbreaking to see her so lifeless. I'm praying that she makes it through the weekend and to the vet Monday morning and that they (by some miracle) can save her. This dog found me in my time of need, and it breaks my heart that I can't do anything to help her in hers. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She's supposed to be my "forever" dog and I'm not ready to lose her.
We ask for the intercession of St. Martin de Porres whose feast day is tomorrow. He was known to be given the gift by God, of healing animals. Please keep Ella and all our seriously sick pets in your prayers.

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