Monday, November 2, 2009

Praise Report on Smokey the Cat

From Joann:
I want to thank you for your help and everyone involved for prayers for my missing cat Smokey. Yesterday I received a telephone call letting me know that Smokey had been sleeping in their garage for 3 weeks+2 days.......they were not sure what it was....just the jingle of the bell they would hear.....and they placed cat food and water out for him daily. He never peeped out until yesterday, when they were able to capture him and telephoned me. When I picked him up, he was in good condition thanks to the wonderful care these "strangers" provided Smokey. He was only 2 blocks away and had gone into an open garage where he established a new residence until he was found.
I prayed daily many many many times a day, especially to St. Frances, St. Anthony, and St. Joseph for our cats safe return and now he is home. Of course God, Jesus and Mary's name were also mentioned. They answered my prayers and I am so so Thankful!

Had to share this HAPPY news with you. Thanks for providing "Prayers for Our Pets" site because it is WONDERFUL! If I can ever help you in any way, let me know. Not sure what it could be....but I am willing to offer whatever I can do to assist you.

Take care,

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