Monday, November 2, 2009

Prayer Request for Dimitri the Dog

I received the following email requesting prayers:
My dear friend in Oregon sent me an urgent email for her dear friend in Alberta Canada..this dog is soooo loved by his family and has been through much already here is the prayer request sent to me (whom also is RC).. Thankyou and May God Bless you and those who work with you for this wonderful ministry.

Hi All,

This is from my very close friend in Canada. This loving Leonburger dog has been though so much illness in his short life. Would you please say a little prayer, or send some positive thoughts to his family and his wonderful Vet?

Much appreciated, Marcy

Please pray for Dimitri. he suddenly got very sick today, and is now in the hospital in intensive care. had the runs, then puked, and cuz of his LP now from puking he has aspiration pneumonia. We have zero idea what happened to him. he was perfectly fine when i went to work this morning. I'm stunned in shock and shaking. very freaked out. last i talked to vet they had to put him on nose oxygen and his heart rate very high. He was getting worse from when we dropped him off at 6pm. They did blood tests, white cell count very low at 1.3, but liver and kidney enzymes ok. I just can't even believe this is happening, don't know what is going on, and he was totally fine this morning. The bill is getting insanely huge, my visa is near maxed out. I don't know what to do. Hoping the meds kick in over night, and with lots of prayers he can be much better in the morning. I'll keep you posted. Michelle
Please keep Dimitri and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers.

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