Monday, November 2, 2009

Praise Report on Precious the Cat and New Prayer Request for Warehouse Kitties

I received the following email today:
I appreciate your caring and any way you will help. Please post this prayer request. I was especially surprised how Precious was recovered, maybe thanks to you. Here is my new request:

I posted about Precious back in July and thank any higher beings and whoever helped here, he was found safe.

I now need prayers for the rest of the warehouse cats. The ones that I know at least were there are: a grey and white adult that I met and had to let go at the time because I had no home to take him (this crushes me) , a grey and white kitten who I'm worried sick about, too, a black and white adult and a blue grey young cat. I am especially worried because the grey and white adult was supposedly put off of the property and may not come back and no has seen the grey and white kitten in a long time.

Please pray that I find all all there in good shape and am able to take them to a safe home for a happy, safe life. This is really driving me crazy and I really need some happy relief. Also, please pray for the safe return of my neighbor's cat, who got out about month ago. This site is giving me a little hope and I appreciate it's existence. Please help. Thanks.

MomofPrecious and other Warehouse Kitties

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