Thursday, November 12, 2009

Praise Report on Atticus the Cat

Atticus' owner wrote:
prayers answered! Atticus was "trapped" by a neighbor and has been at the local animal shelter for the past 2 days. Thank GOD I went today, as they only keep captured cats for about 4 days before putting up for adoption or euthanizing. He had no identification and I went to the shelter as a last resort, not expecting to find him there....but there he was!!!! We were both so thrilled to see each other!! After we left the shelter, we immediately headed to the vet for him to be microchipped. He is now safely home and I am saying many prayers of thanks!!!!
What wonderful news! BTW, be sure you register the pet's microchip number with the place that issued the microchip...example, AVID, as well as the pet shelter and vet.

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