Thursday, November 12, 2009

Recent Update on Ella the Puppy

From Sarah. Ella's owner:
Thank you for the continued prayers. Unfortunately, her symptoms have gotten worse :(. We were back to the vet this week and the vet declared that she officially has distemper. Her symptoms have shown up in the complete backwards order than what a "typical" distemper case is, so I'm hoping that means that she will be a part of the 25% that survives it. She's still happy and has even gained 1/2 a pound, so I take that as a good sign. The vet told me to be prepared to lose her if her symptoms get any worse than they currently are. But until then, we're treating her symptomatically and just hoping for the best. Poor little thing is on so much medicine right now, but she takes it without a lot of trouble. Please just keep her in your prayers and pray that she fights through this and is my little miracle!
We continue to ask for the intercession of Bl. Seelos and St. Martin de Porres, who are known to heal the most seriously ill animals. Please keep Sarah and all our other pets in your prayers.

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