Thursday, November 12, 2009

Recent Update on Sioux the Dog

From Julie:
On the recommendation of the vet I had cut Sioux's prednisone dose from 20 mg to 10 mg over the past three weeks. Within the last week her breathing has become more labored and the lumps in her lymph nodes seem to be getting larger. I'm trying to decide if I should increase the dosage again. She has been such an incredible gift to me. I just want to do what is best for her.

Friday will be 9 weeks since Sioux was given the lymphoma diagnosis. At that time the longest they thought she would live is two months.
We ask for the intercession of Blessed Seelos and St. Martin de Porres, known for their healing powers over God's creatures. I would also ask that you keep Julie and the other pet owners in your prayers, as they go through a difficult time with their lost, sick or injured pets.

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