Thursday, April 4, 2013

Special Prayer Request for a Pet

From comment section: (I am posting verbatim. However, I do not understand the last sentence.)
Dear lord I meant no harm but with these hard times I couldn't any longer afford to take care of my pet like i should we decided to rehome him with no guaranteed of him being healthy.His new owner was disappointed that she had to care for him with a minor sickness please I pray to you for him that she opens her heart for forgiveness understanding and compassion. Worried sick that now shell seek revenge in legal actions foe money. I'm most concerned about the sofa health.


TimberLove said...

pops eyes are a bit leaky...all our prayers, st. francis will watch over your baby.

Anonymous said...

May God hold your pet close and surround it's tender life with love, good health and kindness.

Thoughts and prayers are with you for your much loved pet.

God bless!

Anonymous said...

God Bless you and your pet, and may God hold you both in the palm of His hand! All my prayers on the way for your pet to be blessed with a loving home where he will be loved and cared for. My heart is breaking for you, too, my friend, and be assured of many prayers on the way.