Monday, May 28, 2012

Question for Prayer Warriors, etc.

Aloha Kakou: Someone shared a link to a new Facebook page dedicated for praying for pets. I was wondering if we should have such a page for our blog. I am thinking that if we did, we could reach more people with pets in need. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Hope you are all having a very blessed Memorial Day


Trevor said...

I think that's a great idea and support it whole-heatedly. =0)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Esther!I saw your post on Networked blogs and I think a Facebook page would be really great for your Prayers For Pets. I do have a link to this blog on my Fb page but it would be nice to have you in the news-feed :)

Anonymous said...

Your prayers are appreciated for 10 year old Lucy, a beautiful long haired tortoise shell kitty and the love of my life. She is experiencing renal failure and I have to put her to sleep today. She is the love of my life and has gotten me through
Many tough times. I don't know how I personally am going to get through it. I am asking Gos to give me peAce during the event so that I can soothe her instead of making it more stressful and I am praying that she will cooperate, not struggle and go peacefully and that God will have an angel waiting for her. Thank you all.