Monday, March 30, 2015

Urgent Prayer Request for Beauty the Puppy

From comment section:
Please send prayers for my 4 month to the day old puppy Beauty who is trying to overcome parvo. We are trying everything we can to help her and are trying all prayers possible. We pray that God will heal her and keep her sweet loving ways with us. If anyone can help with specific prayers that will be very kind and appreciated. This is the first time I am reaching out online. Her beautiful in everyway twin sister Willow (they were born in the same sack) died at 1:19am Thursday from parvo, we tried all we could but in the end God took her home. It is still hard to understand, but we are trying to move forward. My boyfriend of 5 years father passed away last week as well and we had the funeral yesterday for him. It is too much death, and heart breaking. We do not want to lose Beauty too. We love her very much.Thank you.

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