Monday, March 30, 2015

Updated Prayer Request for Jigme the Dog

From Suzanne:
please continue to pray for my dog jigme with the swellings/lymphomas/lipomas of over 5 yrs . in addition to prayers I have been using well over 50 natural remedies for aver a decade - he is 11 in sept . there are power strongholds & grips preventing the healing.possibly by now the swellings may be benign or malignant cancer .1 on front right leg shoulder , in same armpit & on chest next to ; 1 on left back leg hip diagonal ; 1 almost gone below rib cage ; 1 tiny under 1 paw ; ( & 2 -3 small cysts on chest & on side of torso ; some soft fat lumps in neck). please pray he will heal & no-one will disagree. may the swellings not get hard , not burst or form sores or get cancerous . may they not multiply . may they not get much bigger. the front & back leg swellings are fairly large . the armpit one is closest to bursting stage .he can walk o.k. for long walks . no pain . may the bones & marrow also be protected . ...& they told me then all the diseases ahead - coprophobia - & how this would lead to lumps etc . so they put their powers then on the dog & the wormwood tincture anti-worm drops caused the swellings & the tick bites caused the cysts . thank-you .

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