Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Update on Bentley the Dog

From Dianne:
Sorry I have not gotten back with you. My computer decided to not work right but it is working again. We took Bentley to the vet on Sat morning. he was not doing well at all. A hacking cough hacking up a white foam. And having trouble breathing. They did a bunch of tests and xrays and alot of bloodwork. he has a callasped tachea. A touch of kennel cough and a infection.and a bad fever. We came home with a lot of medicine, Cough surpress. predisone. Autiobies. As of today he still is coughing but not as bad. And I think that his fever is mostly gone now. We have to take him back on thursday. We got his bloodwork back today for his liver. and his liver is just fine. PRAISE THE LORD"""and his bloodwork was all good. PRAISE THE LORD>>> THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT> I will keep you post on his recovery

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