Friday, May 25, 2012

Updated Prayer Request for Tonka the Dog

From Bernice:
Please pray again for my little dog Tonka. I wrote for prayer several weeks ago when she suddenly became ill with a balance disorder and she recovered. She is an older dog and has been my constant companion for many years. She has a very large inoperable tumor on her left hip and, although she was only given a few months to live, has lived happily and largely unaffected by it for several years. Now the tumor is growing smaller tumors on top of it. This morning one started bleeding. Please pray that the bleeding will stop and that she will be healed. She is a lovely, gentle girl and so happy with life. Please pray that she will be able to live the remainder of her days happy and healthy and that, when her time comes, she will slip away peacefully here at home where she is so very loved. Thank you so much. Bernice


  1. Father in Heaven, we pray that you watch over sweet Tonka and remove all sickness. We pray that she recovers to full health and is playful and vibrant and is back to her old self in no time. We also pray that you keep your comforting hands on Bernice and let her know that you are with them both. In Jesus name we pray. Joe and Leslie

  2. Dear Lord, please wrap much loved Tonka within Your healing embrace and return her to wellness; thank You.
    Thoughts and prayers are with you Bernice and Tonka.

  3. For Bernice's Tonka, and God Bless you both, too!
    Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Jude, St. Martin, St. Roch, St. Anthony, St. Francis, and Our Lady, please lay your healing hands upon Tonka - comfort and heal her and may she continue to be happy and without any discomfort or issues from the tumor; allow Tonka to know (I'm sure she does already) how much Bernice loves her; and may the angels surround her with comfort and love.
    God Bless you, Bernice. Hugs and prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.