Monday, May 28, 2012

Special Prayer Request by Mollie's Owner

From Donna:
A weird question/favor ... Would it be possible to pray for ME so I can better take care of poor Mollie? Mollie is doing pretty good yet ... but with her limited sight now I know she's looking for more attention, particularly voice connection. The last 3-4 days I've had a terrible gastro bout ... constipation/diarhea/hemorroid flare up ... and just have not felt like dealing with anything ... to put it simply. Just know if I feel better I can take care of Mollie a lot better. I know ... this is WEIRD .... thought I'd ask. Continued prayers for you and all the other animals.
Note: I know I don't speak for myself when I say that we pray for the pets in need as well as their owners. Owners, please feel free to request specific prayers like Donna did. Mahalo!


  1. Hi Donna,

    A very NOT weird request...I would be happy to pray for you! We all need prayers. Whether human or animal, you are a care giver/guardian. God bless you and bring you and Mollie peace... especially at this time.

    Thank you so much for reminding us to pray for each other. :)

  2. Dear Lord, please watch over Donna as she so devotedly cares for her much loved Mollie, please give Donna the strength and personal healing she so much needs for herself to care for her dog, Mollie. Thoughts and prayers are with you both, Donna and Mollie.

  3. Indeed not a weird request, Donna, and be assured of my prayers for both you and Mollie at this difficult time. I think it very precious that you sought prayers, too. May Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Jude, St. Roch, and Our Lady take you both into their comforting healing embrace.
    God Bless you both and please give your Mollie a special hug for me.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.