Saturday, January 7, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Droopie the Puppy

From Vivi:
Please pray for my 6 months old dog Droopie because she has got parvo as well. ): I really don't want to lose her!
Do you have any advice Rhea?
Any help , prayers or advices are greatly greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  1. may the lord put his loving arms around your precious Droopey and heal jesus name he shall be healed

  2. Dear Lord, please hold Droopie the Puppy close in Your loving embrace and heal her of this parvo; thank You.

  3. St. Jude, St. Anthony, Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Martin, and St. Roch, please take Droopey into your loving and healing embrace, allow him the strength and love to overcome the Parvo. Restore his health and allow him to feel the angels near him as he heals and Vivi cares for him. Thank you.

  4. Thank you Anonymous!

    If anyone wants to know how she's doing, I started posting updates little by little here..

    God Bless!

  5. Dear Lord, please send your healing power to Droopie that she may overcome what she is going through right. Please send loving comfort to her owner that they may find comfort that you'll be taking care of their beloved pup. God Bless!

  6. Droopie has passed away. Thanks everyone for your prayers. At least she's no longer suffering.. Thank you Lord for bringing her into my life.

  7. Oh Vivi, I'm so sorry!! We are praying for you. I posted the sad news.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.