Saturday, January 7, 2012

Prayer Request for Blackie the Cat

From Dianne:
Sorry I have not been updating on Kia and KC. my computer has not been working.Kia and KC, are doing very well, now are getting along. I still miss them lots and lots.I now have a little Blackie Kitty not sure how old he is. About a year ago or so someone left him at my house, he has been very healthy and is a very nice kitty, he is a stray as you know I'm not suppose to have any kitty but he has been at my house.outside mostly but anyway you know me. The last couple of days he has came down with a very bad cold of sorts and is coughing and suchs and will hardly eating anything

I have been feeding him by hand etc. please pray for him he is such a good kitty. I have been praying and praying for him. I know that the lord will heal him. Thank you for all your prayers.
Lord thank you procteing and healing our animals and watching over all our lost animals. thank you for bring them home.
God bless you all Dianne


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over Blackie, a kitty, keep him safe and heal him of this cough and bad cold he has gotten. Bless Dianne as she cares for him; thank You.

  2. St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Gertrude, St. Francis, Blessed Francis Seelos, and St. Martin, please take dear Blackie into your loving, comforting, and healing embrace. Please heal him and watch over him, cure him as only you can of whatever is ailing him. Allow him to feel much better soon.
    And please bless Dianne who has so much love and gives so much care to kitties who otherwise may not have someone to love and care for them.
    God Bless Dianne and Blackie!

  3. Sending loving prayers to Blackie the Cat that he may overcome his cold as his owner is worried...Please send loving comfort to his owner as well. God Bless!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.