Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Update on Ferlitz the Dog

From Kit:
Thank you all for the loving prayers...Ferlitz had her surgery this morning and it well...She is now resting at the pet hospital and will be discharged either tomorrow or Friday. I can actually hear her bark in the background when I called and I can tell that she is back to her old self. I'm so happy and will take good extra care of her when she gets home.

I pray that other pets and their owners will get better too and find comfort as I know that animals are also God's creatures and they are very precious to their owners.

Thank you!!!


  1. Dearest Kit . . . I was a bit behind here checking in and so just saw your most recent post first - that Ferlitz has already had her surgery and all is proceeding well :) - oh Kit, I am so very happy for your news, for both you and for Ferlitz! God Bless you both and keep you in his loving embrace!
    I continued with the prayer vigil even when I could not be here at the computer.
    I am truly so happy for you and FERLITZ, God Bless!!

  2. Thank you and everyone else who had prayed for Ferlitz. I saw her last night and although she is sleepy, I can tell that she is feeling better. I was told that she can home today so that's great news. I can't wait to see her again and do things that we used to do together without jumping on/off the couches or climbing up/down the stairs. Although she still requires post op exercises, I know that she will be back to the way she was.

    I also pray that other pets and their owners will find comfort that they are not alone and they can seek assistance to different sites which I find helpful and encouraging.

    God bless everyone!!!

  3. That's wonderful Kit! I'm adding you as one of our prayer the way. Thank you.

  4. It's been a week since her back surgery and Ferlitz is getting better everyday... We will take her back after Christmas for her staples removal and start her physical therapy. I just miss cuddling with her and teasing her when she's trying to take a nap, but I know we will be the same way soon enough.

    Thanks for adding me Esther! I feel honored and proud. :)

  5. Glad to learn that Ferlitz is getting better every day. Thank God! Thank you Kit!! God bless.


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