Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request - Kobe the Dog

From the comment section:
Please say a little prayer for our beautiful dog Kobe, who is having a tumor and his spleen removed tomorrow morning. Pray this is not cancer. He is such a happy, loving dog - truly our family's best friend.
Thank you and God Bless you all


  1. For dear Kobe - St. Francis and Blessed Seelos, please embrace dear Kobe with your healing comforting touch. Bring him through the surgery with flying colors - comfort, cure, and bless him.
    Thank you, please hear our prayers.

  2. Dear Lord, watch over Kobe, keep him safe and bless him with wellness please. Thank You.

  3. Hi,
    I'll pray to the Blessed Mother that Kobe operation goes well. Stay strong and positive!My dog had the same operation and had a successful recovery.
    God Bless
    Joe B

  4. Thinking of Kobe and his special family, the prayers continue!

  5. Please pray for kobe. He is a great loving dog. He has a strawberry hanging off his leg..we hope it falls off soon. Also we pray for him to not get eaten again by the caramel. ����


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.