Thursday, October 27, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Fox the Cat

From Catherine:
Please pray for our 15-year-old orange tabby, Fox. He has been nauseated, eating little, and losing weight this month. He has a mass on his pancreas that seems benign, but may nonetheless be causing him problems. For a while now we've been treating him for inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis in his knees. His other test results are exceptionally good. We would love for him to get better and come home and live with us for a lot longer. But most of all we ask God for wisdom for his veterinarians and for us in making the right decisions for our beloved boy. Thank you for this blog and God bless you.


  1. Prayers for you & yours, & prayers for our father in heaven to guide the hands of all veterinarians,

  2. For Catherine's beloved "Fox", bless his heart . . . . St. Jude, St. Gertrude, Blessed Francis Xeelos, and St. Francis, please intercede on behalf of Fox - may he feel your healing hands upon him, your comforting embrace. Please allow Fox to find a way to communicate his feelings to both his loving family and dedicated vet. Perhaps it's just a "rough patch" for the senior fellow.
    Be assured of many prayers, Catherine.
    Prayers and positive healing energies.

  3. Dear Lord, please watch over Fox the cat, heal this beloved pet and please guide and help the veterinarians in their treatments and diagnoses. Thank You.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.