Monday, October 31, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Daisy the Cat

From Mike:
We've adopted Daisy from an animal shelter last Friday evening. We knew that she was underweight (didn't realize how severely so) and was under the belief that it due to stress as she had been thru 8 adoptions in a little over a month. She has not been eating or drinking much at all over this last weekend, and was taken to a PetSmart vet this afternoon (we didn't know what else to do). They've done extensive bloodwork but have referred us to an emergency vet for IV fluids and xrays and said that she is jaundiced and may have Fatty Liver Disorder due to her extreme weight loss (most everything else ruled out). We've also received a complete history on her from the animal shelter and a little over a month ago this beautiful being weighed 12lbs and now is down to just over 4lbs. She is such a gentle, wonderful being and I pray that somehow she can be healed and recover to live a long life. She's only been with us for a few days but she has really touched our hearts.

Thank you,


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over Daisy the Cat, heal her please. Guide and help the veterinarians that are trying to help her. Restore Daisy to wellness and bless her new people for their loving caring ways; thank You.

  2. For Mike's Daisy - St. Jude, St. Gertrude, Blessed Francis Xeelos, St. Francis - please allow any serious disorder to be ruled out for Daisy. That poor dear must have been through so much - all those unsuccessful adoptions and now such a loving home as yours. Dear Lord, please comfort Daisy, allow her to finally know peace of mind, and let her regain all her lost weight.
    God Bless you, Mike.


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