Monday, October 31, 2011

Prayer Request for All Pets in Animal Shelters and Children in Foster Care

I guess many of you have seen this latest article: 'Miracle Dog' Survives Gas Chamber.

It is a bittersweet story. Poor dog! But it has a happy ending for him.

As we visit the Humane Society my husband and I are very sad to see how many dogs are in the shelter because their owners have turned them in for what ever reason. They look at us through the fence as if to say "please take me home". Most of them are pitbull mixes. I wish we could adopt them all.

Please, please, remember to pray for these animals. They all deserve a good home. While you are at it and more importantly, PLEASE pray for all the children in the foster care system. God knows they need His care and protection more than the animals do.


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over the many animals in shelters and the children in foster care, bless them all and keep them safe from harm, keep them safe and well and help them all to find loving caring homes; thank You.

  2. St. Francis, St. Martin, St. Jude, St. Anthony, and Our Lady - please in your infinite mercy bless in your own special ways all the dogs, cats. horses who wait in shelters, abandoned and alone; also all the children and teens who have no families to call home. My heart goes out to each and every one. Bless them and give them peace.
    Bless you, Esther, I know that had to be so very difficult seeing all the faces.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.