Monday, October 24, 2011

Update on Kia and KC the Cats

From Dianne: thank you for who are praying for Kia and continue too,
after it seemed like forever she finally decided it was time to come out
of the little car carrier, now she is staying in the big dog crate, she is doing well and is feeling so much better. but now she is hissing and scaring the other kitty that has being in the crate too long before her.
So please cont. to pray for Kia and KC. so they will be able to work it.
KC is another kitty that was left by the same neighbor that left Kia
I tried also to take care of her. But she too was very very sick, and I was not able to keep her. So I was able to call my friend Diana( god bless her) she took her to the vet and helped her and also saved her life.
took her home and now she is a healthy happy cat.I do miss them both and sad also. please keep them both in your prayers. so they can become friends again, Thank you so very very much for all your prayers.
May god bless all our sick and lossed animals may he keep his loving arms around them all. keeping them warm in safe. God bless you all


  1. Thoughts and prayers continue for Kia and KC for wellness, happiness and safety. Blessings to you, Dianne and your friend, Diana for your kind and loving ways.

  2. For Dianne, hugs to you dear lady and be assured of many prayers for Kia and KC for good health and a mutual understanding and peace.
    God bless you and your friend, Diana, for the care and love you so generously gave. May you also know God's loving and comforting embrace.


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