Monday, October 24, 2011

Prayer Request for Calvin the Cat

From Sara:
Please pray for my lost cat Calvin that he comes home safely. He has been missing for a while and I'm so sad and scared! If you live in the denver area could you keep a look out for him or tell others you know who live in the denver area to look out for him? He is a black and brown tabby with swirls on the side that form a kettle shape in the center. Thank you God bless!


  1. Prayers for the safe return of your baby- we've some Facebook friends in Denver so if you send us a picture we will crosspost there...

  2. If you send a picture and a contact number, I'll post on FB also, and ask my friends to repost.

  3. For Sara's Calvin, St. Anthony and St. Jude, St. Gertrude, and St. Francis, please help in locating Calvin, watch over him, protect him, and lead him safely home to Sara.
    Sara, you be assured of many prayers here on your behalf and Calvin's.

  4. God bless and keep Calvin safe and well, guide him home to Sara, please, thank You! Yes, a Facebook post would be great, Sara!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.