Friday, October 7, 2011

Prayer Request for Mavrick the Cat

From Shannon:
My cat Mavrick is missing. He is a black and white male. He is 9 years old. He is fixed but not declawed. I know that his claws where is only defense. He was inside for 6 years. For the last three years he goes outside. I have a small doggie door that he and my other cats use to go in and out. He has never wondered far. When you call him, especially for dindin he comes running. You say his name or whistle his ears perk up. Non of my cats have every wonder off. Mavrick is a very loving, affectionate, and laid back. Like other when he isn't doing that he's on the hunt for mice, frogs, and lizards. He is always bring me gifts. At night when we go to bed, he will come to bed also. He has always slept at me feet. Once a day he got his kitty message. He loved his belly rubbed. he has been missing for 6 days. Ive posted ads in the paper, graigslist,, Facebook, made fliers, walked the neighborhood and talked to everyone, called shelters, vets office, and even did a pet amber alert sent out 100 posters to all pet businesses in the area and call 1000 neighbors in my area. I pray non stop that he comes home. I have also been praying to Saint Anthony. I miss my baby boy very much and hope he comes home soon. I love Mavrick with all my Heart!...


  1. For Shannon's Mavrick, bless his heart, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Francis and St. Gertrude, please hear our prayers for Mavrick and Sharon. Please help in locating Mavrick, may he be found or find his way home safe and sound. May the Holy Angels watch over and protect him and help lead him home.
    Shannon, be assured of many prayers on the way with yours.

  2. All prayers for the safe return of your kitteh,

  3. We are praying for the safe return of your baby kitty.
    he will be home soon

  4. Dear Lord, please keep Mavrick safe and well and guide him home to Shannon, she loves and misses him so much, thank You.

  5. Praying...don't give up hope.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.