Friday, October 7, 2011

Prayer Request for Goober the Dog

From Sharon:
Please pray for our little lost dog Goober. He is a little Dachshund mex who has been missing since 9-17-11. We have done everything to find him but there have been no sightings. Our hearts are broken. He is a little miracle rescue dog who survived parvo, pneumonia and severe demodectic mange all at the same time as a puppy. We are praying for another miracle for his safe return. Thank you so much,


  1. For Sharon's Goober, bless his sweet heart . . . . St. Anthony, St. Jude, Roch, and St. Francis, we humbly invoke your holy intercession on Goober's behalf. Please assist in locating him and guide him home safe and sound to his family who loves him so. May the Holy Angels keep watch over him and protect him, guide him safely home to Sharon. I "doggie-sit" for a neighbor's dachshunds and I can just imagine how your heart is breaking.
    Please be assured of many prayers on the way, Sharon.

  2. Your your lost baby & all lost pets, LORD hear our prayer,

  3. Dear God, please watch over Sharon's little lost fellow, Goober; keep Goober safe and well and guide him home, thank You.

  4. Praying...don't give up hope.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.