Saturday, October 22, 2011

Prayer Request for Kitty the Cat

From Robyn:
Hello. I found your blog as I was looking for as many prayers for lost animals, that I could find. My beloved cat, Kitty, has been missing since Sunday October 16th. We are devastated that she has not returned. We have been looking day and night, put up flyers, went door-to-door, and my heart is breaking for our beautiful Kitty. We rescued her and we nursed her to health. I am asking for your prayers that Kitty will return home safe (or that she is safe, warm, well-fed, and away from danger). My heart is breaking and we could use all the prayers, for Kitty, that those are willing to offer. Thank you for your website. You have provided comfort during such a difficult time. God Bless.


  1. Don't lose hope! God will help you. I have prayed for you.

  2. I am praying for you and Kitty's safe return home!

  3. Dear Lord, watch over Kitty the cat, keep her safe and well and guide he home to Robyn; thank You.

  4. St. Jude, St. Amthony, St. Francis, and St. Gertrude, please intercede as only you can, please help in locating Robyn's precious Kitty, watch over her, protect her, comfort her in your arms, and guide her safely home to Robyn, for this we pray.
    God Bless you, Robyn, and be assured of many prayers on the way.

  5. For the safe return of your baby- and for all lost and homeless animals, LORD hear our prayer!

  6. Thank you so much for your prayers! They have provided a great deal of love, hope, and faith that Kitty will be returned to our loving home. These prayers have meant so much for our family. Although Kitty has not yet returned, we have found comfort in your prayers and our spirits have been lifted during this difficult time. Thank you again!
    God Bless!


  7. I have accidentally run over my little Smudge and dislocated his hip. I have to keep him indoors and caged for a month. He is a little wild as he is a stray that adopted me. He hates the confinement and I don't know how I am going to find the strength. Please pray for us .


  8. Hi Jean: Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Smudge.

  9. Please pray for my sweet kitty Franz. Today I must let him go and I struggle with what right i have to do this. He is so sick and i am told it is the right thing to do.

    Thank you.


  10. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Franz and you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.