Monday, October 24, 2011

A Prayer Request for Joe D, Kimmy the Dog's Owner

Joe D left the following comment for Tara and it was so touching. Please keep him in your prayers as he suffers the loss of his beloved pet.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what you are going thru. On 10/18/11 I also had to put my dog dowm.She was the sweetest little girl. She would have been 15 yrs old this coming Christmas.Her nane was Kimmy.I loved her so much . She was always by my side like a butterfly. I can't stop crying . I never cried so much in my whole life.I took her everywhere. She love the car and at her last few days that's is the only place she was comfortable. She had terminal Cancer.I also feel bad being a religious Catholic I question if there is heaven for dogs.I pray that God does reunite us with our pets when we move on.


  1. God Bless you, Joe D and warp His comforting arms around you as you mourn for Kimmy, your precious dog. Your note to Tara is just so touching, I believe we will be together with our pets and all Loved Ones for God is Love.

  2. Prayers for you & yours, and, as a catholic, I would mention that nothing in doctrine or scripture indicates humans will be the only sentient beings in paradise. On the contrary, scripture is full of references to animals in heaven...peace to you friends,

  3. God Bless you, Joe D., and may your Kimmy know every joy of Heaven, and may our many Saints and Angels embrace and comfort you in your mourning.
    I, too, am Catholic, and I cannot imagine Heaven without our many beloved four-legged friends.
    Our lovely and very wise friend here, Ra Husky, has stated it most eloquently.
    And Joe D., with such a bond that you and Kimmy shared, I know the physical loss is so profound, but I believe Kimmy will find her own special way to let you know she will remain with you always in spirit.
    Bless you.

  4. P.S., Mr. Joe D., I just remembered having heard of a most special book that perhaps may help at this most difficult time. I have not yet had an opportunity to read the book but just remembered where I saw it and wanted to share with you and others here who have had to say goodbye to a very dear companion.
    The title is "I Will See You in Heaven", there is an edition for dog owners and one for cat owners; the author is Franciscan Friar Jack Wintz; and it is offered for sale on the Monastery Greetings website:

    God Bless you and comfort you at this most difficult time.

  5. Update on Kimmy B. that passed away on 10/18/2011. I would like to share with other pet owner's who are nursing their sick and dying pet on how I handled my heartbreaking situation. First I wish to thank everyone who sent me their prays and support at this most difficult time of my life.I always knew that when the time came it would hurt but I never would had guess it would hurt as much as it does. Kimmy would had been 15 yrs old this coming Christmas but her cancer prevented her from seeing it.I spent alot of time with her never leaving her alone. Kimmy loved riding in the car so I spent afternoons and nights riding around the neighborhood with her to make her happy. I always told people that I could never have the heart to put her to sleep but when I saw how she was suffering I guess God sends an angel that takes you by the hand and helps you do what you have to do. It's true because out of nowhere I asked the Vet can we put her down in the car and he said yes .There were only two things Kimmy loved the most and that was sitting in my car and being with me.She feared pet hospitals the most and I didn't want to take her inside one for the last time.This idea came right out of the sky and I was so fortunate that my Vet said yes without hesitation. One of my close friends Tina accompany me that day and withness everything. at the end she cried and said how beautiful it was because before Kimmy was put to sleep she turned and kissed me as to say thank you.I was crying so much I didn't remember till she refreshed my mind. I had to wait till today a week later to have her cremated. Her body was sent to Regency Pet Cemetary which is located on Long Island. I wanted to be present when she was cremated. They actually have a room set up where you view your loved one for the last time. Just like a wake .We said a few prays blessed her with holy water and oil and said our goodbyes . They have you walk down the path to where the cremation is performed they take her and place her where she has to be place.And they cremate her. You come back in a few hrs. and they have her ashes ready for you to take home. I have to say I felt good after this. It gives you some more closure.I felt I treated her the same way as if she was my own daughter. When I die I will request her ashes to be buried with me. This is how I handled my heartbreaking situation. She went in class. I hope by me sharing how I dealt with Kimmy dying this last week and how I handled her remains it would teach and educate those who would have to face and deal with what I did what services are available for their pets. I still cry and miss her deeply but knowing I did the best for her lightens my pain and suffering alittle. God Bless.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.