Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Jack the Cat

From Rebecca:
Will you please pray (post the prayer) for Jack the Cat. He was lost 3 weeks ago at JFK Airport in American Airlines Baggage. His FB page is Jack The Cat Lost in AA Baggage at JFK - he has over 14,000 “likes” and a bunch of us trying to help locate him. There are so many volunteers and people trying to get the word out.

Please pray Jack is kept safe, fed, watered, and stops fearing long enough to be found by good people who can grab him (he’s skittish) and get him back to his family and please pray for Karen (his owner) Barry (his brother) and Mary Beth (his aunt) as well as all the volunteers. I’ve attached information and a photo of Jack.

Thank you!


  1. St. Anthony, St. Jude, and St. Gertrude, your intercessory help is urgently needed please for Jack the cat. Please watch over and protect him, may someone be kind and good to him, and please guide him safely home to his family.
    Be assured of prayers!

  2. There are many kind people out there - I will pray that Jack finds his safe way back to you.

  3. Dear Lord, please keep Jack the Cat safe and well and guide him home to his family...Thank You...

  4. Prayers for the safe return of Jack...

  5. I'm praying for jack also, my husband works at Lambert- St.Louis airport and I showed him JACK - did he get out of his cage? Or did THEY lose the cargo?


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.