Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Dakota the Dog

From our friend Patricia:
Once again I'm writing to ask for prayers. This time it's for a dog of a good friend, a golden retriever who probably has liver cancer. As she waits for confirmation from the exams, I'd like to ask for prayers - both for her and for her dog, whom she's had for 10 years.

Thanks so much, and God bless you for all you do.


  1. For Patricia - please know many prayers on the way for your friend and her beloved Dakota, and bless you, too.
    Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Jude, and St. Francis, humbly before you, we ask, we pray for your healing touch and intercession for Dakota and your strength and calming presence for Dakota's "human mom". We know the power of your intercession, please help at this difficult time.
    Thinking of each of you.

  2. Prayers and thoughts sent your way for Dakota and family...

  3. Lord please cast a merciful look at the golden retriever and if it's your will please heal her. Lord, please give courage to her family during this stressful time.

  4. Padre Pio, please intercede on behalf of Dakota and, if it's God's will, help him to heal. Also, please intercede on behalf of his mom who loves him so much.

  5. Thanks very much, everyone! I truly appreciate your kindness.

  6. Hi Patricia, thinking of Dakota and your friend at this difficult time, and be sure to know the many prayers continue!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.