Saturday, September 3, 2011

Prayer Request for Nellie the Dog

From Janice:
Please help me pray for the safe return of our dog, Nellie, she has been missing for 6 weeks.
I pray that she will be returned, if it is God's will. We miss her terribly.
Thank you


  1. St. Anthony, St. Jude, and St. Francis, we ask please for your help and intercessions as only you can do to bring Nellie safely home to Janice. Please find Nellie, watch over and protect her, guide and deliver her safely home.

  2. Dear Lord, please keep Nellie safe and well and guide her home to Janice who loves and misses her so much...Thank You...

  3. St. Antony, You've always helped people find what they've lost. Please help Janice find her lost pet.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.