Monday, September 5, 2011

Prayer Request for Mateo the Dog

From Mateo's owner:
please pray because my dog mateo hurt his leg while i was putting him down, i dont know how it happened but when i stand him up on his feet he just lays back down. i cant live without mateo he is my life please help me pray for him to be ok


  1. Blessed Seelos, St. Jude, and St. Francis, please allow Mateo to feel your healing touch and comforting presence near him. Many prayers going out to Mateo and his loving owner.
    If Mateo exhibits great pain may need to see a vet; but perhaps it's just a minor sprain/strain - our neighbor's dog had a pulled muscle some weeks ago, favored her leg for some time, resolved with time, similar to us humans sometimes.
    Love and healing prayers for you and Mateo.

  2. Dear Lord, Protector, Healer and Comforter, please watch over Mateo, that he be ok..Thank You...

  3. Mateo's owner, I really hope this isn't a spinal injury and you've visited the vet. Jesus please heal Mateo.

  4. Hoping, praying that your Mateo is feeling much better, bless you both! Hugs to your Mateo.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.