Monday, August 29, 2011

Prayer Request for Mr. Peepers' Owners

"Mr. Peepers" the Dog

From Henrietta and Rudy:
Would you be so kind enough to post a request for the comfort through the loss of our Pekingese, Mr. Peepers?
One week ago, he was diagnosed with a heart murmur, and had fluid on one of his lungs. Fluid was also collecting
in his abdomen area, which we had tapped twice. This fluid was putting pressure on his windpipe, and he struggled
to breathe. He couldn't sleep, and was very restless. We kept him home with us until he was ready to go on his own.
He expired at 9:15 PM, on the night of August 27. Mom is grieving hard because this was her "little man", and our best
friend. Mr. Peepers was 10 years old. I am attaching a recent photo of him. Please post that, too.
Thank you very much, and I appreciate what you do for other pet owners through your blog. God bless you always.
Please say a prayer for Henrietta and Rudy as they mourn the loss of their beloved pet.


  1. Many prayers for Henrietta and Rudy at this difficult time. So sorry for your loss.

  2. Such a beautiful little boy. Prayers for comfort coming...

  3. Dear Lord, please wrap Your comforting arms around Henrietta and Rudy as they grieve for the loss of Mr. Peepers..


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.