Monday, August 29, 2011

Photo and Updated Prayer Request for Cashy the Dog

From Danielle:

I am so afraid to lose my Cashy boy.. This is the most difficult experience of my life..

I just thought that since there are 4 pages dedicated to my Cashy, you would like to see how handsome he is. This picture is recent from just a few days ago and you can tell he is very sick. For an update, he is still losing weight and now he is literally skin and bones. He will not eat. It looks as though we will have to put my poor baby down soon.. Please continue the prayers. And also my other dog Max is showing many signs of depression. I am afraid he knows his big brother Cashy is dying. Please also pray for my Max. Thank you so much..
Please friends, keep praying for Cashy, Max and Danielle!


  1. For you & yours, LORD hear our prayer!

  2. Prayers going out to Cashy, Max, and Danielle. Lord please hold them close, during this difficult period.

  3. St. Francis, Blessed Seelos, St. Anthony, and Our Lady, please be especially present with Danielle, Cashy and Max at this difficult time. Please hold them in your arms as only you can do and allow each of them to feel the comfort, peace, healing and strength of your holy presence near.

    God Bless Cashy, Max, and Danielle!

    Prayers continue from the heart!

  4. More prayers for the beautiful Cashy...and for you, too!

  5. Just checking in to send more hugs to Danielle, Cashy, and Max at this difficult time, and prayers certainly continue also.
    Thank you for posting Cashy's photo, God bless you Cashy, what a sweet handsome boy you are.
    The angels are keeping watch over you, your Mom, and Max.

  6. I know Danielle appreciates the prayers and heartfelt comments. Mahalo all!

  7. Prayers and comforting thoughts for Danielle, Cashy and Max...

  8. Continued prayers for Cashy, Danielle and Max. St. Francis please allow Cashy to feel your calming healing presence near so that he need not fear or be anxious or in discomfort.
    May Danielle and Max find comfort also in your presence at this most difficult time.
    Danielle, we are so thinking of you and praying.

  9. Thanking about Cashy in prayers daily.

  10. Thinking of Cashy, Max, and Danielle every day . . . . and all the prayers continue, too!! God Bless you and comfort you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.