Saturday, July 30, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Cashy the Dog

From Danielle:
... I have a boxer and he is 7 years old. I went on vacation for 6 days and he stayed home with my other pup and my dad. When I got home, my boxer, Cashy, was all skin and bones. His ribs are now showing and he looks so sick. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow. I am so scared that he may be very I'll. I am wondering if you could add him to your prayer list :(

Thank you so much!


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over Cashy, we ask You to guide the vet, in Your infinite wisdom and have a healing for Danielle's Cashy..Thank You...

  2. Thank you so much for your prayers. Please keep our sweet Cashy boy in your prayers!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.