Friday, July 29, 2011

Sad News - Ceilidh

From Tina: I wanted to say thank you to u and everyone else who helped me pray for Ceilidh's quick recovery. Unfortunately, last nite at 7:09 EST, Ceilidh left us here and joined St. Gertrude and St Francis.....and is now watching over us. The thoughts and prayers your group sent my way helped tremendously.... And I am glad that I was able to finnd help and support from ppl who didn't even know me or Ceilidh. I am attaching a picture of my beautiful girl.... So that you may see who u helped. Once again.... Thank you.

Please keep Tina in your prayers during this sad time for her.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that, Tina. Some folks don't understand how hard it is to lose one of our four legged family members, but those on this website really do. We'll all be holding you up in prayer.

  2. Loving Lord, please wrap Your arms around Tina and give her comfort during this sad time..May God Bless you, Tina and your Beautiful Ceilidh..


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