Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayer Request for Tom the Cat

From Jennifer:
Please pray for my lost CAT, his name is Tom because he just looks like Tom of the cartoon "Tom and Jerry"
I pray for his safe return home. He gives comfort to both my parents who has had their bout with cancer.
We rescued him a few years back and raised him since he was a kitten. My mom can sleep without him safely home.
He's been missing since Friday 07/08/2011. Normally he's let out in the morning so he can get some sun in the backyard.
This time he wander off and seem to can't find his way home. Normally he has a collar but we decided not to put one on
him because it sometimes chokes him. He has a scar over his left eye from a previous scuffle. Please, please pray for
his safe return home.


  1. For your baby, and all lost & homeless animals, LORD hear our prayer!

  2. Dear Lord, please guide Tom, safe and well, back to his family..Faith, Hope, Strength and Love to Jennifer and her parents..


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.