Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayer Request for Lola the Dog

From Anela:
I saw your website while browsing through prayers for my dog, Lola. She's a five year old Bichon Frise whose lymph nodes have been swollen for almost two months now. It may be lymphoma or an infection, I'm still not certain...doctors are trying everything.

For the past two days she hasn't been feeling so well. Please include her in your prayers. I need all the prayers for Lola. She means the world to me and I don't know what to do.

Thank you

Ps I am including you in my prayers tonight..thank you for praying for all these pets :) you are amazing!


  1. Dear Lord, you watch over all and we ask for a complete healing of Lola and guidance for the vets caring for her to reach this end, Thank you, Lord...

  2. Hashem, please put your healing hands on Lola tonight & each night until she's fully well & whole again. You are miraculous and love all your creatures, and I pray that you give Lola a good, long, healthy life. Amen. Be strong and love her every minute, life is too precious. My beautiful Bichon, Tessie Trueheart just went to the Rainbow Bridge... G-d bless us all. Amen.

  3. Beth, I am very sorry for the loss of your doggie. I posted a prayer request for you. God bless,

  4. Thank you, Esther G. Sorry it took so long for me to see your comment, you are an angel for thinking of me. I miss my Tessie so much <3

  5. Oh Beth, I know how much you must be hurting. Hugs!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.