Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Prayer Request for Mi Mi Lee the Cat

From Kate:
I write to ask you post a prayer request for my Mothers cat. My parents asked I babysit their cat while on vacation. They brought her to my home 3 weeks ago. The door was left open yesterday afternoon and she got outside. As this is not her home, so she may not know where to return. They love her very much, we all do, I feel crushed that she got out and on the 4th of July weekend. Many Many fireworks going off in our neighborhood. I fear for her safety and pray for a safe return. I am the owner of 2 kitty cats and am just devistated that she is missing in a strange place. I have been praying constantly over the past 24 hours, but feel I could use a bit more help. I believe in the power of prayer, I have seen it work in my life.

If you could please put Mi Mi Lee in your prayers for a safe return in Lincoln Nebraska, I could use all the help I can get.

Thank you for the consideration, God Bless.


  1. Dear Lord, please guide Mi Mi Lee home and keep her safe and well, thank you...

  2. Dear Lord and all the Animals Saints please help this person to find MiMiLess, and please please, please I also ask you for Mountainneir my little Fire Rescue Kitty, I don't know what's wrong with her, I am cruch too, just like the person loosing MiMiLee, please help us with out cats that we love them very much, also please Bless us too including all the Pet's in the World,,,,,,,,,,,Amen..........JS

  3. Josie, we are praying. Sorry for delay in posting prayer request.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.