Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prayer Request - Cleo the Cat

From Phil:
Please pray for our cat Cleo who went missing from our home on July 3rd. He is soon to turn 1 years old and had not been away overnight before.
We miss him terribly and hope he is not scared. Please God could you look
after him and help him to come home, we are so worried.


  1. Dear Lord, please keep Cleo safe and well and guide him home to his family..thank you...

  2. Dear Lord, please guide Cleo home to his family, safe and well, thank you...

  3. Thank you to all those who prayed for him, but unfortunately Cleo was found deceased.
    God Bless little Cleo

  4. Phil, I am very sorry to learn of Cleo's death. We are praying for you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.