Monday, July 25, 2011

Prayer Request for Louie the Dog

From Beth:
Good afternoon,

Louie is a brown/red shepard/chow mix, lost in Milford, MI July 6th, 2011. Louie comes from an awful hoarding situation, found a loving family, and is now lost and looking to get back home! Louie has his own FB page and his dedicated mom along with 1,000 FB followers have been out daily posting flyers, combing surrounding areas, and tracking Louie to get him home. He is seen daily but is so frightened and confused that we have been unable to capture him. His mom is a teacher and will need to get back to work very soon now, so we really need Louie to give up his adventure and go to her this week. Please, any guidance from above would be so very appreciated. Also, during the search for Louie, we have found another injured shepard mix that the volunteers are trying to get to a vet, and another missing dog named Murphy, extra prayers for them as well would be wonderful!


  1. I pray for you and your search in finding Louie. I know how hard it can be when an animal goes missing, but maybe the Lord is just testing your faith. He shows you the dog every so often to keep your faith alive. Louie will come home. I also pray for the two other dogs and their safety.

  2. Dear Lord, please watch over Louie, keep him safe and well and guide him home to safety. please heal the Shepard mix that has been found while searching for Louie and Murphy also, Thank you Dear Lord for all you do for us and our animal friends...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.