Monday, July 25, 2011

Prayer Request for Angela the Cat

From Adrienne's blog:
Two nights ago our oldest kitteh, Angela, went outside about 7 pm. We have not seen her since. She is about 17 years old and this is not like her at all. We have scoured the acreage, beating through the tall grasses, looking in every conceivable place, and have found not one sign of her.

Please pray for her safe return. Thank you...


  1. Thank you, Esther. Things don't look good right now. It's been three days. I fear something nefarious...

  2. Let's pray it isn't something bad Adrienne. I am really sorry that you are going through this worry.

  3. Don't Worry we all will pray for the safe return of Angela.

  4. I will pray for her safe return. recently this same thing happened to me with my 3 month old kitten that i love so dearly. he was found a full 24 hours later on our neighbors doorstep and they brought him right over. Even when we had lost all hope God pulled through. God bless you and dont worry.

  5. Dear Lord, please keep Angela the Cat safe and well and guide her home..thank you...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.