Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sad News - Ishmael the Cat

From Megan:
First, let me thank you for you beautiful website.

Here is an update to post for Ishmael the cat:

With a broken heart, I am reporting that Ishmael was put to sleep early this morning. His little body could no longer fight the disease, FIP.

Even though Ishmael was with his family for a short time, he touched their hearts forever. Ishmael was very sweet and charming. He was always giving lots of snuggles. Ishmael loved to play fetch and watch birds outside. If he wasn’t playing, he would curl up in our laps or with our other cat.

This is an extremely painful time for our family. We want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. We will continue to pray for other pets in need.

Here is some information on FIP. Up until last week when Ishmael was diagnosed, we had never heard of this disease. Please help the fight against FIP!

"Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a disease that kills 1 in 100 to 1 in 300 of all cats under ages 3-5. The incidence can be five to 10 times greater among young cats coming from catteries and shelters. FIP is virtually 100% fatal, and there is no treatment or cure. FIP can manifest suddenly -- weeks, months or even years after initial infection. Therefore, cat lovers usually experience the heartbreak of this disease long after they have developed strong emotional bonds with their pets.” http://www.sockfip.info/

In Loving Memory of Ishmael

2010 – 2011

Thank you to everyone for their blessings,


  1. I am so sorry to hear of Ishmael's passing. I know what a hole it leaves in your heart and family when a pet dies, you will certainly continue to be in my prayers.

    Thank you for telling us about FIP. Ishmael's legacy will live on through continues education.

    Blessings to you :)

  2. I am so sorry to hear of Ishmael's passing...Bless the family of Ishmael in their time of sorrow and thank you for the blessing of Love that Ishmael gave to them while he was here...Thoughts and prayers to you...


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