Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Prayer Request for Kirby the Dog

From Sylvie:
Please, please, pray for our beloved Sheltie named Kirby. We are awaiting the results of lab tests done yesterday to determine if he has cancer or if his problem is just a treatable infection. He is our everything. Thank you!

And thank you for your wonderful blog.


  1. Please watch over Kirby and heal him; thank you...

  2. Thank you for your prayer. It means so much to us.

  3. Thank you and blessings to all of you and your beloved pets.

    Kirby's test results revealed that he has cancer, and it's quite bad. He has been given 3-6 months to live. At present, Kirby, a gorgeous male sable-colored Shetland Sheepdog, looks and feels GREAT. We hope this will continue for some time.

    Traditional western medicine cannot help Kirby, but we have turned to a natural/holistic approach. While holistic med can't cure cancer, it may be able to slow down its progression and give Kirby a lot more time with us in good health. And, most important of all, there are prayers, like mine and all of yours! I pray that my beloved dog will continue to live well and healthy, but if that's not to be, then I pray for the grace of acceptance.

    Thank you everyone!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.