Monday, May 9, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Wally the Dog

From Patricia:

I just found your blog, and I'm writing to request an urgent prayer for a little rescue dog from the Misha May Foundation. He is very very ill and they don't know if he'll make it. His picture touched me - please help! His story is on Facebook (Misha May Foundation page) at

Thanks for your help - God bless!

From the Misha May Facebook page
I am sorry to say that our new little Wally is very sick and has been in 24hr emergency care for dehydration and infection. His condition is VERY serious. Even with all of the discounts and donations of both Harmony Vet and Arvada Urgent Care, Misha May has a current bill of about $1000. We will do what it takes to save his life. Please help - you can use the make a donation button at < ahref="">The Misha May Foundation. Interestingly we were supposed to get a different dog, but we ended up with Wally - he knew we would not give up on him!

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