Saturday, May 7, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Samson the Cat

From Michael:
My baby is Fe Leuk positive, with active lymphoma. He is my only reason for living. I cannot pay me rent, much less the vet bills. Please pray for Sampson. Thank you.


  1. Hello Michael,

    I'm praying for you and for your cat. Don't give up! There may be some vets that could be willing to help your cat for something else in return (work?) Perhaps you can do some fundrising? Facebook? Friends? Your local church? Leave posters everywhere (especially vets' offices?).

    I pray that you find a solution, and that your cat gets better. You're not alone. Hang in there.

  2. You are also in my prayers and thoughts.

    Life can feel so tough, but hold on tight.

    Pets love us no matter what your finances are at the moment.

    There will be a way forward and I will pray that one is revealed to you.

    Rich (Bristol, England)

  3. Tonight I will pray for Samson that he may have healing & be free of pain. I will pray for you too for the strength to care for him & to accept the will of God the Creator of all life.

    Paul W

  4. Thank you all for your prayers and comforting words for Michael!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.