Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Archie the Dog

From Rich:
Please pray for Archie a 3 yr old Bernese Mountain Dog In Bristol, UK

He started off with a loss on appetite and then not wanting to go on a walk.

The Vet said he had a very large, liver, and things have gotten worse and worse.

He's running down hill quickly and has had to have two emergency blood transfusions.

Archie is away from us at this moment is a specialist Clinic 80 miles away.

They have taken biopsy's of his liver, spleen and kidneys but at the moment no one knows why he is so ill.

Our worry is that we we run out of time, before a diagnosis and cure can be sought.

He's very ill. Please give healing thoughts, only God can help us, I fear we have only days...


  1. Prayers and healing huskerboo thoughts for you & yours,


  2. Update on Archie.

    He has Malignant Hystocytocis, common for Bernese Mountain Dogs, but not for His young 3 year!

    Unfortunately this deadly cancer has no treatment to speak of.

    Archie is too poorly and we'll be putting him to sleep later today.

    In the mean time he's comfortable, he managed a 10 minute walk this morning and he's being spoilt with all the treats that he's normally not allowed.

  3. So sorry Rich. We will continue to pray for both of you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.