Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Acknowledgment for Our Prayer Warriors

Dear Friends of this Blog:

So many pets have been healed, found and saved through the prayers offered by you. When a pet remains missing or it dies, we pray for their grieving owner. I have received many emails thanking us for the prayers and for caring. Yes I mean us, because I could never have done this without your help. I am very grateful to all of you for your continued prayers and concerns for the animals and the owners.

I know that some of you pray regularly for the requests I post here. I would like to add your first name and state where you live on the sidebar. I would like people to know who the prayer warriors are. I know a few of you but I know there are many more of you who pray.

So please consider leaving your first name and state. It would be very comforting to all concerned.  I have a feeling you would like to remain anonymous but it is high time we get to know each other a little more. 

Mahalo and God bless.


  1. I have been very remiss (and feel guilty) in posting comments, but I read every post on my Google reader and pray for every little fur person.

  2. No need to post comments unless you want to Adrienne. I do know you pray regularly for them as do RA Husky and others.

  3. I'm become very fond of RA Husky. Such a big and wonderful heart...

  4. I am not sure if I'm doing this right but here goes: My name is Jan, from Oregon and i read this wonderful blog and pray for all the animals and people that post here. God bless you all with Love, Hope and Strength...from Jan

  5. Adrienne, so true!

    Jan, mahalo!! And, yes you did it right. God bless,


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.